The story resolves around Artos, the young son of Baron Amalric of Cravant, a small fiefdom within the Holy Empire, the dominant power in a world called Orbis. The Holy Empire is a theocratic state (seemingly an amalgamation of the Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire and the Papal States) devoted called a deity called 'The One God'. It is ruled by a spiritual and militant leader, the Patriarch and the Holy Protector respectively. The new Patriarch, Icthyus Granitas, is cruel and corrupt and the Holy Protector is nothing more than his henchman. As soon as he came to power he began charging all those who speak against his rule with false charges of heresy and treason to the state. These lords either changes their minds overnight about the Patriarch or else disappeared entirely.Cravant is one such state. On the first level of the game, Cravant is invaded by the Empire, who kill Artos's father on a trumped up charge of treason and raze the city. Artos flees with a small band of loyal soldiers across the sea to Angland (a fictionalised England) where he plots his revenge against the Empire.From there, the player can decide how they do this. There are three 'alignments' that the player can choose from that are listed below. These are Pagan, Imperial and Renaissance.
Game Screen Shots
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP:
350 MHz
128 MB System RAM
900MB Hard Disk Space
8 MB RAM with 3D acceleration and DirectX 8
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