Overlord is a groundbreaking, completely original action adventure, set in a seriously warped fantasy world. Controlling a mysterious figure that has inherited the legacy of the evil, long-dead Overlord, the player emerges, near death, from the ruins of the old OverlordÆs Dark Tower. Only the playerÆs actions will determine if they will rise to become the new all-powerful Overlord; itÆs all down to how much of a bad ass they want to be in order to succeed…evil or really evil! Played out with plenty of black humor and dark irony, the game will immerse players in twisted parodies of classic fantasy scenarios and characters.
Game Screen Shots
Windows XP/Vista.
DirectX 9.0c
Pentium 4 Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2
Graphics Card: GeForce 7800 or Radeon X1800
Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Sound Card
2x DVD-ROM Drive
4.5 GB Hard Drive Space
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