Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus continues the exciting action-RPG storyline of Phantasy Star Universe. A new Human Fundamentalist movement, known as the Illuminus, disrupts the peaceful Gurhal System throwing the Gurhal Government into chaos.Using their custom-made Guardian, players will explore exciting new levels, such as the Ruins of Old Rozenom City and the subterranean Granigs Mines, where they will encounter new and more powerful enemy types, as well as mastering additional versatile class types. Using their custom-made Guardian, players will meet familiar characters like Ethan Waber from Episode 1, and other new characters including GUARDIAN instructor Laia Martinez, whilst they fight through the next chapters of the exciting story missions that started its singleplay experience in the original Phantasy Star Universe.
Game Screen Shots
Operating System: Windows 2000 (SP4) / Windows XP (SP2) / Windows Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 1.6GHz
RAM: 256 MB
HDD: 9.0GB
Video Card: Direct 3D support, 64MB of VRAM
DirectX 9.0c
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