Power Rangers: Super Legends is an action-adventure video game based on the television franchise Power Rangers. Long thought to have been purified by Zordon's energy wave at the end of Power Rangers in Space, the dastardly Lord Zedd has reappeared in his old form. Concealed in a hidden dimension, he is interfering with the time stream, trying to alter the course of history to destroy every Power Ranger throughout time! Operating from the Halls of Legends, the new Omega Ranger (confused with the original one and himself) must gather a force of Power Rangers and artifacts from across time to break through into Zedd's hidden dimension and restore the timeline!
Game Screen Shots
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.4GHz
O.S: Windows XP
Video Card: 64MB DirectX 9.0c-compliant 3D video card
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card
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